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Entries in focus (45)


Going Topless!!!

Now that I have your attention. Been in a meeting recently where people were more engaged with their PDAs, phones or laptops than they were in the meeting? Thought so. It can be extremely frustrating. In response some companies have gone "topless" at meetings. No laptops during the discussions. Other companies have chosen to include IPhones and other personal devices that are so common in the workplace.

The article brings out several critical points both pro/con for the idea. They include:

  • Partial attention due to using the devices during the meeting leads to partial results.

  • Using the devices has created a mindset of "continuous partial attention." There is no point at which one is fully engaged in just one event or activity.

  • Etiquette has not kept up with technology.

  • The root problem may be that people just hate meetings.

Read the entire article at


Great Quote About Focus

I came across this quote today by Edgar F. Roberts:

Every human mind is a great slumbering power until awakened by a keen desire and by definite resolution to do.

What acts in your lineup today do you have a "keen desire" to complete? If there are none or very few, maybe it's time to take a quick intermission and consider making some changes to the lineup-or to revisit your purpose for doing them.


Managing My Circus With A Quad Pen

One tip that I have found to be simple but helpful in managing my 3 ring circus is to use a quad-pen on a master calendar. A quad pen has 3 colors of ink (usually black, blue and red) and a pencil all built into the same writing device. I write all of the activities going on in my life on one calendar but I use the colors from the quad pen to differentiate the three rings of my life. I use black for my work appointments, blue for my "self" activities and red for the activities that relate to my relationships. I use the pencil for appointments that are tentative and have not yet confirmed.

This method keeps my calendar organized but also gives me a great visual way of seeing what is going on and where my rings are having conflicts. A real danger is having multiple calendars that are not in sync (like a work calendar, a pocket calendar and a family calendar). One organized calendar will reduce the stress of wondering what ring I should be in and when. If you use an electronic device or PC for your calendar, the same concept works using color labels.


Simple Reminders

Just like the circus is such a great experience because it is so visual, there are a number of ways you can improve your performance by simple visual reminders.

A 3x5 card in your pocket, on the wall of your cubicle, or on your bathroom mirror can act as a great tool to help keep you focused on what matters most. Write your goals on a card and attach it to your bathroom mirror - you will start your day reminding yourself of the things that you should be working on. Write an inspirational thought on a card and hang it on your wall for when you need a little boost. Carry quotes on a card that you want to memorize for when you are stuck in traffic or waiting in a doctor’s office with nothing to do - you will find you will have them down in no time. These simple reminders can help you keep the right acts in your lineup.


A Great Quote About Focus

For those of you struggling with focus today, here's a quote to get back on track with your lineup:

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
-Teddy Roosevelt