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Entries in goal setting (11)


The Fresh Smell of Purpose

Ever hear of Febreeze? Of course you have. You might be surprised to know that it was an intial flop for Proctor and Gamble. According to the March Issue of Fast Company, the company marketed it as something to remove odors. Unfortunately, it noticed that most people who had odors around the home had adjusted to the smell and saw little reason to change.

When they changed the purpose of the spray to a "post cleaning reward," sales reallly took off. Today, Febreze generates about $1 billion annually.

If you are struggling to find success with a task or project today, maybe you need to reflect on your purpose and determine if your work is in alignment with it. If not, maybe it's time to make a change in either the tasks, or your purpose for the work.

Additionally, if you are a manager, check to see if the purpose you have for the work of your people matches what they see as the purpose. If something doesn't "smell" right, find some common ground.


Work and Discipline and Focus, Oh My!

Taking ownership of who you are and what you want to become is not an easy task. It takes hard work. A lot of hard work. And it requires discipline. Over and over again you have to pull yourself away from those things that will matter least in your life and push yourself towards that which will help you achieve greatness. You must decide what you want to accomplish, figure out how you will accomplish it and then with unyielding focus get after it.

You will make mistakes. You will get tired. You will sometimes be distracted and lose your way. It requires determination to try again after you fail and endurance to fight the good fight. Push yourself today to try again. Make sure that you are going for the goals that you truly want to achieve and are not just following the paths or goals of least resistance.


Life Leadership or Life Lemming

Do you take charge of your life or do you just follow the crowd? Do you have a life plan or do you take life as it comes? Do you set goals or do you fly by the seat of your pants?

There probably isn't a right or wrong answer to any of the above questions ... until you complain. There is nothing worse than working with people who are unhappy with where they are at in the their life and career but are unwilling to do what it takes to change. They would prefer to just follow the same course of least resistance and grumble.

You live in a time of opportunity. Do you do those things that matter most to you or get caught up in the thick of thin things? You can choose to lead your life in the direction you choose or follow the current of the average. Choose to lead. Set goals. Chase your dreams. Be the ringmaster! It will make the difference.


Learning From A Tattoo Artist

While on a business trip to Las Vegas a few months ago, I was surprised to find that what used to be called "tattoo parlors" have now become quite upscale (No, I did not get one). Then when reading a recent issue of Loyalty Magazine, I found an article entitled, "Branding Secrets of a Tattoo Artist." I thought I would explore some of the factors that have brought this industry to the mainstream.

Turns out that successful tattoo artists know how to be good Ringmasters. Here are the key thoughts the writer got from her discussion with Ronnie "Mooch" Mendoza, Operations Manager of H&H Tattoos in Las Vegas.

  • Hire the right people (Performers in circus terms): Their number one consideration is how customer-focused the candidate is.
  • Provide a personalized experience (people have unique needs): They take extraordinary steps to insure that the tattoo process and actual procedure have the customer's comfort and desired vision in mind.
  • Build the brand through the customer community (get others to tell others about the standing ovation they gave you)

The most telling quote for me in the article was, They [Tattoo Artists] know that each interaction represents a 'moment of truth' that can enhance or erode their brand, heighten or undermine customer loyalty, and positively or negatively affect company revenue. How different would our days be if, as the ringmasters of our circus, we aligned every interaction, task, and thought toward accomplishment of our purpose? We might find that our days would be "marked" with more standing ovations from others AND ourselves.


Time for Discovery

I was recently in a Middle School Orientation for one of my daughters who will be heading into 7th grade. The principal spoke and made the statement, "Middle School is about discovery. It is a time to help your children decide what they want to be when they grow up." She then went on to explain the classes that the students would be taking that would expose them to a variety of topics that would help them as they decide their future.

As I thought about my daughter and the classes that she would be taking, I couldn't help but wonder what she would discover over the next 10+ years and what she would become when she grows up. (I often wonder what I will be when I grow up-with the emphasis on "when I grow up.") My mind started formulating what her plan should be and what she was good at and where her testing scores were and how important being in the right classes was going to be-then I had a brain aneurysm-or maybe it was a epiphany.

Is there a time in our lives that we should stop discovering, be grown up and fall into a routine of what we should be? Are the goals/decisions that we make in Middle School, High School, and College the ultimate blue print or path for the rest of our lives? Our lives change, our situations change and our dreams evolve. Sure, placement tests and classes in school can help us with discovery and opportunities, but maybe there should be a class on "Life Long Discovery." Shouldn't we discover new things when we are 30, 50, 90?

It is time to discover something new... where is that brochure on scuba diving?