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Entries in choices (24)


How Would You Like Your Elephants?

In recent weeks there has been much debate about an article entitled, "Why Women Still Can't Have It All." One interesting blog post at the WSJ looks at the article a little differently.

Basically, they suggest that the choice is having it all or having enough, which in Juggling Elephants terms means, do you want the elephants super-sized or regular size? Regardless of ambition, goals or purpose, everyone has elephants-those tasks, issues, goals or even dreams that weigh on you physically, mentally, emotionally or physically. And they will keep coming throughout your life in both work and your personal endeavors.

We do have to decide how big of an elephant we are willing to try and juggle-and what the consequences are of juggling one elephant over another.


Strength Training For The Ringmaster

We frequently hear the phrase, "I just find myself jumping from one ring to another, rarely getting anything done well." While our work or life situation may encourage that behavior, we ultimately have to exercise more self-control to combat this ineffective habit.

USA Today recently had an article with some good tips about improving your self-control and willpower. Read the article and pick up some helpful ideas, including:

  • Find smart trade-offs
  • Reduce temptations
  • Reward yourself with feedback

Try practicing one or two of the strategies today and build up your mental muscle. The elephants aren't getting any smaller.


An Important Word For Successful Ringmasters

After a recent Juggling Elephants training program, a participant said, “Your focus on being a good ringmaster is like the difference between ‘have and make.’” With my curiosity aroused, I said, “How so?” She continued. “Think about the phrase ‘Have a great day’ versus ‘Make it a great day.’ One implies taking things as they come to you while the other suggests a need to take more responsibility in lining up your acts to accomplish your purpose.” What a superb insight!

When I pondered her perspective, I had to laugh at how often I hear the word “have” versus “make.” While I am sure people aren’t encouraging us to be passive when they say things like, “Have a great trip” or “I hope you have a great weekend,” those comments should be a quick reminder to all of us that we are the ringmasters of our circus and we have to line up the right acts to get the standing ovations we want from our performance.

So the next time you catch yourself saying or thinking, “I hope I have…” change “have” to “make”… it could just MAKE all the difference in your circus today!


Garbage In, Garbage Out

I took several computer programming classes in college. For me, the most frustrating thing was to carefully write a piece of code only to find that there were errors or that it wouldn't run correctly. When I would be unsuccessful on an assignment, I had one professor that would always say, "You put garbage in, you get garbage out!"

Our brain is similar to computers in this way. What are you putting into your brain on a regular basis? Are you putting in positive thoughts that motivate you? Are you reading up on the latest strategies that will help you to reach new heights in your job or profession? Are you nourishing your brain with what it needs to bring you positive success? Take a moment and consider what you are feeding your brain with. Don't get stagnant. Beware of harmful ideas or inappropriate thoughts. It was Earl Nightingale that said, "We become what we think about."

Garbage in, garbage out. Yikes!


The Juggler In Chief

Most of us could never begin to imagine the pressures of being the leader of the premier global power. It's mind boggling. An article at entitled Obama as Juggler-Multitasking mold shapes today's Presidency highlights the frenetic pace faced by today's President.

But the source of the President's need to multitask bears a striking resemblance to our own situations. Alan Silverleib, author of the article, writes:

But in recent years, he said, the daily pace has accelerated due to the rise of the internet, wireless, and other facets of the communications revolution.

There's a "kind of blinding rapidity" in which one event quickly overtakes the next, said Dalleck. Our attention -- and that of the president -- is whipped from the latest economic crisis to the newest tornado wreckage to the latest protest or outbreak of violence in the Middle East.

Faced with a pressure for constant response, modern administrations face times "of great pressure and intense demand over a series of compelling issues," he said.

The solution highlighted for Presidents, which would also serve us well was given by Wendy Schiller, a political scientist who said, The key challenge for presidents in the 21st century is knowing when to respond immediately and knowing when to take their time to manage a given situation.

Wise words for all of us-regardless of our situation.