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Entries in intermission (25)


Wrap Up Your Day

How do you finish your day at work? If you are like most, you realize that it is time to leave, so you clear off your desk, log off your computer and head out the door. When it is time to go to bed, how do you wrap things up at the end of the day? Maybe something similar to leaving work? Clear off the bed, read a little and then off to sleep?

Consider taking the last 15 minutes of your workday andbefore you go to bed to take inventory of what you accomplished and plan forthose things that you need to do tomorrow. Even go so far as blocking out the time on your calendar and setting a "reminder" to stop, review and plan.

The benefits of taking the time will surprise you. You will find that you are able to more readily "leave things at work" because you have a plan for how youwill tackle your tasks tomorrow. You may also find that you will sleep better because you have "dotted the 'I’s' and crossed the 'T's'" of what needs to get done tomorrow in your relationship and personal "rings." Closing out the day atwork and home allows you to clear your head and get the much needed "intermission" that we all need.


Getting More Standing Ovations in 2012

Before you simply start tackling the bazillion emails in your inbox or trying to get your thoughts around 2012, why not take a short intermission and begin developing a plan to get more standing ovations in 2012? To get started, download our 3 Ring Worksheet and do two things:

  • In the rings at the top, write your purpose statement or desired outcomes for each ring in 2012. Don't list specific tasks or acts, think more about outcomes or your overarching purpose.

  • List the key projects (acts) under each ring that need to be completed this year for you to best accomplish your purpose or achieve your desired outcomes.

Having done these two things, you can start 2012 as a better Ringmaster of your circus!


Stop!  Enjoy!!

The holiday season is in full swing and there are plenty of additional "Acts" in your already busy circus. It is so easy to get caught up in the madness and not take pleasure in all that can be good about this time of year.

Force yourself to stop and take a break. Here are some ideas of activities that my family enjoys doing during the busy holidays:

  • Bundle up (if it is cold outside), go for a walk and look at the Christmas lights at night
  • Attend a choir or bell ringer concert
  • Turn off the TV, make some hot chocolate and sit by a fire in the fireplace and just talk
  • Pop some popcorn, gather your family and watch your favorite holiday movie. (Our favorites are "A Pocket Full of Miracles" and "White Christmas" - oldies but goodies)
  • Sit around the piano and sing
  • Read Christmas and holiday stories together
You might have to actually schedule times in your calendar to force yourself to "STOP" and "ENJOY". It is well worth it and you will find your stress level will decrease at the same time.


A Thanksgiving Intermission

According to a USA Today poll, 74%of Americans take Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving. How will you spend these two days? Sure, you will spend some time with family and relax from the pressures of work, but will you really get the most benefit from this intermission. To maximize the minimum time you have these days, consider these suggestions:

  • Finish up a work task that could occupy your mind over the break. If you can't finish the task, at least take a few minutes to create a plan to accomplish the project when you return to work. It will help your mind relax and "let go" of the task for a couple of days.

  • Plan specific activities with family members or friends. Even if it's a phone call, be proactive about scheduling it so that it doesn't get lost and you return to work thinking "I wish I had..."

  • Reflect on the people who have made this year more meaningful. What could you do for them over the holidays to show your gratitude?

  • Schedule time for yourself. Engage in that hobby you have put off. Read until you fall asleep, wake up and repeat a couple of times. Unplug from technology.

Soon, your circus will once again be moving quickly with work and planning for the holidays. Make the most of your Thanksgiving intermssion-you need it.


The Right Kind of Intermission

Think back to yesterday. Did you take a break to relieve tension or stress? If so, did it involve using a different part of your brain? If not, you probably didn't take full advantage of the time spent.

If many of your recent tasks have been highly mental and you need a break, take on a task that is highly physical. If your work is physical, take on a mental task. You'll be surprised how one nourishes the other.