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Entries in management (20)


A Round "To It"

Have you ever delegated a task to someone only to have them say (verbally or non-verbally), "I will do it, when I get around to it?" Or, has it been awhile since you gave an assignment and it still hasn't been completed? Here is a solution. Create a sheet of round stickers that have the words, “To IT” in the middle of the circle. Next time they say, "…when I get around to it," hand them a sticker and say, "Here is a 'Round To IT,' now will you get it done?"

OK, that might be a bad idea. You might end up with the sticker on YOUR forehead, because you can easily offend someone that has too many acts in their circus at the moment. The point is, when you delegate a task, it is important to set expectations and do some negotiating of when the task can and should be accomplished. Don't expect someone to guess when you expect something to be done. Let them know what type of priority it is and where it might fit in an already large list of demands. Remember, you are the ringmaster of the timeline. They are the ringmaster of the task.


Will They Bring Your Circus Down?

There was a news report recently of a paratrooper who had a harrowing training experience. In one of his first parachute training exercises, the trainer strapped to him died of a heart attack. The soldier saw all kinds of potential dangers lurking below him-houses, power lines, etc. The solider said he was able to safely land using techniques he had seen on television and the movies. Sadly enough, one death could have created two.

It brought to mind a similar situation that happens in an organization. An employee (performer) takes unnecessary risks or improper actions. Maybe they unexpectedly leave for another job. Retirement or even death might be the reason for their departure. You or your department were depending on them to help guide things in the right direction... and now they're gone. What will you do now?

Today, before you "jump" into your lineup it might be a good idea to:

  • Review the key performers in your work circus. Do you have a contingency plan in the event they were no longer there-or simply out for a period of time?
  • Ask yourself, "What have I done to cross train employees so we could keep things moving in the absence of other performers?
  • Reflect on your role as a "general manager of the circus," meeting the needs of others so they will remain as a strong supportive performer in your lineup.

The soldier never dreamed he would face such an uncertain situation. Thankfully, he had the ability to avoid disaster. What about you?


Good Credo For A Ringmaster

I have a blind faith in the policy that quality, tempered with good judgment and showmanship, will win out against all odds.
-Walt Disney

As you go through leading the "performance" of your day, what difference would it make if you based your actions on:
  • Quality
  • Good judgment
  • Showmanship

You might just get more standing ovations.


Outside The Tent

As full holiday mode quickly approaches, you may be "wishing" things were different. You wish you could offer more gifts to your family. You wish you could have a bigger holiday celebration at work. You wish you could give those around you some uplifting news in these uncertain times. In circus terms, you are "outside the tent." Dwelling on these wishes distracts you from the performance that needs to be completed-Now!

The next time you catch yourself "wishing" ask yourself, "But what can I do now?" Some examples might be:

  • Give your family the gift of quality time. Turn off your mobile phone, let the answering machine get any incoming calls, refrain from checking e mails and spend your time mentally and physically focused on them.
  • For your employees, take a more personal approach. If you work in a small department, take two or three people to lunch each day. Engage them in enjoyable conversation where you can give them your undivided attention. Reflect on their achievements during the year. Celebrate them.

Knute Rockne, one of the greatest football coaches of the 20th century, had a quote we would all do well to remember when we are "wishing:"

Do not let what you can not do get in the way of what you CAN do.


Leader of Wikipedia Has His "Acts" Together

In an article entitled "The Knowledge Maestro", (Fortune, September 17) Jimmy "Jimbo" Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, is asked about how he best works with others. One of his most striking comments to me was,

If you have the right people, and you're organizing things sensibly, there shouldn't be a lot of telling people what to do.

That's a great affirmation of the need to have the right "performers" in your circus and for creating a lineup that keeps everyone focused on the right tasks-including you.

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