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Entries in procrastination (7)


Still The Ringmaster At 82

The Boston Globe recently ran a story about a sweet lady whose name is Marilyn Coyne. At 82 years old her life story is remarkable. According to the Globe, she survived the Depression with little food and no heat in her parents' flat in Portland, Maine. She married and sent four kids to college. She saw her husband and one of their children die. What an incredible lady!

Three years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer and was recently told by her doctor that she had months to live. Looking at her final moments, she had one request-she wanted to Square Dance one more time. The video is touching.

Stories like this always bring me back to center. What would I do if I found out my time was limited... the truth is, that's the truth. There are opportunities with my time today that if squandered, can never be used again for such a purpose. At a younger age one MAY get the opportunity to do that something meaningful or special-but if we are honest with ourselves, we know there are no guarantees.

Now if you will excuse me, I need to get on the dance floor like Marilyn.


Juggling Elephants At An Early Age

While the focus in the book, Juggling Elephants, is for adults, I was reminded this past week that there is a younger audience that needs the message as well. One of my daughters is preparing for three school-related competitions-all within the next two weeks. She is an awesome young lady, but in the past couple of months she has simply allowed other "good acts" to take away time she should have been using to get ready for the competitions. As a parent I should have been gently reminding her that she would have time for some of these acts AFTER the competitions were over. Now, just days before the competitions, she finds herself stressed and worried that she won't be ready.

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