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Entries in productivity (38)


The Value of Performing Your Act Well

Fast Company Magazine is a fantastic monthly publication that highlights today's hot business trends and looks at what might be on the horizon tomorrow. Robert Safian is the editor and his letter from the editor this month had a powerful thought. He is speaking about the success of Mike Rowe and his cable show, Dirty Jobs:

But Rowe's story also allows us to examine an underappreciated aspect of economic success: the genius of expertly executed craftmanship. It is the glue that cements ideas, on one end, and hard work, on the other, to fuel productivity. Either type of asset is squandered if inappropriately deployed. Execution is the great differentiator in our global economic competition.

What a great equation! Ideas + Great Execution + Hard Work = Productivity.

Reviewing the equation each day may help determine which one is lacking in my performance and what changes I need to make to get the standing ovations I want from others or myself.


A Pause In The Performance

While listening to the news on TV this morning, a Public Service Announcement caught my attention. The narrator said:

When you take a moment to think, you give yourself the chance to make a better decision.

That is so true! As we say in Juggling Elephants, "The Ringmaster always reviews the next act before bringing it into the ring." Too often we make our task lists and then move quickly through them, rarely pausing to see if a better order or choice of acts might be needed.

Today, try something different. Before you start the next item on your list, ask yourself:
-Is this the most important task for me to undertake at this moment?
-Would a better act be in order?

That momentary pause might be the difference between getting a standing ovation today and just having another busy day.


Juggling Elephants Takes The Challenge

800ceoread asks its readers about a challenge they are facing in the workplace and then offers insights from a business book that they believe has a viable solution. Today (September 17) they use Juggling Elephants to solve a workplace challenge. Click the link to read more:

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