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Entries in ringmaster (25)


Work and Discipline and Focus, Oh My!

Taking ownership of who you are and what you want to become is not an easy task. It takes hard work. A lot of hard work. And it requires discipline. Over and over again you have to pull yourself away from those things that will matter least in your life and push yourself towards that which will help you achieve greatness. You must decide what you want to accomplish, figure out how you will accomplish it and then with unyielding focus get after it.

You will make mistakes. You will get tired. You will sometimes be distracted and lose your way. It requires determination to try again after you fail and endurance to fight the good fight. Push yourself today to try again. Make sure that you are going for the goals that you truly want to achieve and are not just following the paths or goals of least resistance.


If You Really Want To Be The Only Performer

There is no question that working with the performers in your circus is challenging. Some people even tell us that they could get more done if they didn't have to depend on other people.

If you are one of those people who just can't bear the thoughts of managing even one performer as part of your job, check out the article to see what career choices might be in your best interest.


What's the Program?

If you are leading a company, a team, a family or your life - a major part of your job needs to be determining what the program is going to be and what "Act" will be coming up next. Sometimes we get so caught up in performing or the performance that we forget that we are also the "Ringmaster" who needs to determine the overall program. Too often, we find ourselves running around, listening to who is "squeaking" the loudest and being reactive.

Set the agenda, get your team on board with the program and clear the path for execution. If you are not doing this, you might need to ask yourself "who" or "what" is determining the acts of your circus.


Ask The Ringmaster-Please!

A frequent comment in our training programs is that people are uncomfortable asking their ringmaster (boss or immediate supervisor) for help when they are juggling elephants. Specifically, they just don't see how they can get the things done (or done well) that are assigned to them. The reason most often given is that they don't want to appear weak.

First, if someone is afraid to talk to their supervisor about the situation, it probably hints of a deeper issue. Trust could be lacking or the relationship has not been grown in a positive way. Also, the person in leadership may not be very "approachable." Some managers understand the value of being available to their people and working through issues, but others use the Nike slogan-Just Do It!

If you are struggling trying to figure out how to get your current workload completed and the elephants keep coming, here are a few suggestions:

  • Think of the needs of your boss or supervisor. How will their help in helping you prioritize assist them in accomplishing what is most important to them?
  • Have an initial solution in mind. Managers don't want employees who simply throw themselves down and scream, "I just can't do it all!" When seeking help, have some ideas in mind of how you could shift your work to accomodate these new responsibilities. Then they can offer advice or suggestions.
  • Use the right language. Use phrases like, "Help me understand..." or "I want to make sure I'm spending my time where it's most important to our team, etc."

Ultimately, you need to seek their support and collaboration. In an era of ever-increasing workloads, it's only a matter of time until an elephant comes crashing down on you-and then you WILL have a talk with your manager or supervisor that won't be nearly as pleasant or productive.


Life Leadership or Life Lemming

Do you take charge of your life or do you just follow the crowd? Do you have a life plan or do you take life as it comes? Do you set goals or do you fly by the seat of your pants?

There probably isn't a right or wrong answer to any of the above questions ... until you complain. There is nothing worse than working with people who are unhappy with where they are at in the their life and career but are unwilling to do what it takes to change. They would prefer to just follow the same course of least resistance and grumble.

You live in a time of opportunity. Do you do those things that matter most to you or get caught up in the thick of thin things? You can choose to lead your life in the direction you choose or follow the current of the average. Choose to lead. Set goals. Chase your dreams. Be the ringmaster! It will make the difference.