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Entries in self-improvement (27)



What is our potential? What are we capable of achieving? We may never know unless we are willing to dream...and then put the time and resources in place to accomplish that dream. Don’t let life just happen to you. Dream and then act!

James Allen said, The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs.

Over the years I have heard on numerous occasions, "This has the potential to...." While some of the ideas had tragic flaws, others were excellent thoughts. More often than not the potential was never reached because a plan of action was never put into place.

During this season we will find ourselves being more reflective. Soon we will look a new year and long for things to be different. What are some concrete steps you could take now to help make those dreams a reality-and realize more of your potential?


The Fear of Feedback

What have you done to improve your performance in one or more of your rings?
-Juggling Elephants, page 106

Let's hear it for constructive feedback! Okay, your groan confirms what we already know-most people just don't like feedback on how to improve. I admit it is sometimes difficult for me too. In today's workplace, however, it is critical to constantly examine our skills and make improvements when possible. Even in our roles as parents and spouses we ought to be willing to seek ways to improve our performance.

The next time you are seeking (or simply being given) feedback, consider these points:

  • Does the person giving you feedback have your best interests at heart? Do they know your purpose?
  • Has their feedback been validated by others or your own thoughts?
  • Is the feedback based on a tested instrument that has given valid results?
  • Will following the changes recommended by the feedback help you more effectively accomplish your purpose?

If the answer is "yes" to most of these questions, then its probably a good idea to heed it. After all, your goal is more standing ovations, right?


Just Do Something!!!

In a recent conversation I heard what I hear so often: "I just have so much e mail. If someone could help me with managing my e mail-that would be helpful." I offered a couple of suggestions and they replied, "Yes, but you have to change the settings on your e mail account." I offered a couple more thoughts and again their reply was, "That would help a little bit, but I just have so much." I then changed the subject, not wanting to offend the individual for their lack of desire to do something.

Inaction because a solution won't solve the "whole problem" keeps us suffering with the same issues. Rarely does an idea come along that completely takes care of a nagging problem or issue (sliced bread may be an exception). In taking action, however, we are at least moving in the right direction. If we want an hour to focus on a new project, but delegation only gets us 15 minutes-that's 15 minutes we did not have before. A quote by Sydney Smith comes to mind:

The greatest of all mistakes is to do nothing because you can only do a little. Do what you can.


The Time To Improve Your Circus

A slumping economy has been affecting corporate America for some time now. The impact on communities and cities as a whole, however, is just now beginning to take shape. A recent article in the New York Times, however, highlighted a city that seems to be insulated from many of the challenges facing other areas. In the article, For Pittsburgh, There's Life After Steel, several reasons are given for their ability to withstand the negative impact on so many other communities.

The sentence that was most telling was this: Pittsburgh had the luxury of reshaping itself while the rest of the United States economy was relatively strong. It goes back to that old adage, "The time to change is when things are good." Whether it's a corporation, community or a household, those entities that are constantly analyzing their surroundings (i.e. being good ringmasters) and making changes proactively instead of reactively fare better in the difficult times. Many saw this impending crisis developing, but did little to prepare for it or modify business practices, budgets or even family spending habits.

So, if your circus is struggling now, commit yourself to continuous improvement so you can insulate yourself from future downturns that will certainly come. If you are experiencing only minor discomfort during this crisis due to your forethought and progressive action-bravo! Along with Pittsburgh, thanks for being an example for the rest of us.


Quote for the Holidays

When one is out of touch with oneself, one cannot touch others.
-Anne Morrow Lindbergh