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A Nifty Time Management Tool

Ever been driving and want to make a note to yourself? How about that moment when you forgot to send an e mail to someone in the office and now all you have is your mobile phone and it doesn't do e mail? What if you wanted to communicate something to every key member in your office immediately but don't have access to e mail? Do I have the answer for you!

I found a free (yes, free) service called Jott ( that allows you to call an 800 number and record a message to yourself. Instantly, an e mail and/or text message is sent to you. You can also create lists of key people in your life and when you call the number, give their name, and then leave a message. The e mail and/or text message sent will have the audio attached in addition to the transcription (text) of your message.

Try it today. It's wonderful!

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