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Ways to Stop Interrupting Your Lineup

Work Interrupted: 6 Ways To Avoid Distractions is an extremely practical article by Caroline Potter. In it she highlights 6 suggestions from the Center for Creative Leadership on staying focused. They are:

  • If you have a door, shut it. If you don't have a door, consider putting in earphones when you really need to focus (no music required). Don't make eye contact with co-workers when they pass by your work area.
  • Budget your time. Even your free time. Making a well-thought out schedule (lineup) that includes both work and non-work items will help you better understand how your time was used and keep you on track.
  • Put down your mobile device. Or at least turn it off for defined periods of time so you can better focus on other tasks.
  • Consider a change of scenery. If your current work location is wrought with interruptions, find a place where you can better focus. It might be at home, in a conference room or even a vacant office.
  • Stop incessantly checking your e mail.
  • Off hours are in. Early mornings, late afternoons or even weekends might be a time to catch up on those high mental tasks that just never seem to get done. (Juggling Elephants note-you will need to find a way to maintain those quality acts in your relationship or self rings if you start using your off hours for your "work ring.")

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