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Determining The Need For An Intermission

I came across this quote the other day:

When the well's dry, we know the worth of water.
-Benjamin Franklin

I thought about the need for an intermission. When I sense something is missing (or amiss), it reminds me of the need to step back, replenish and then move forward more effectively. I started playing with the quote and came up with:
When ____________________, I know the worth of an intermission.

I entered phrases like:
  • When my eyes have trouble focusing on the words on a computer screen
  • When I get a "short fuse" with people around me (work and/or personal)
  • When I don't have a creative thought left within me
  • When I start thinking that no one is giving me a standing ovation
  • When my lineup keeps getting longer and longer-and I haven't even gotten the first task completed
  • When I have given away so much of myself to others that I have nothing left for myself

What are some of the indicators in your work or life that tell you it's time for an intermission?

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