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Annual Personal Review

I was at the gym exercising and talking with the person next to me on the elliptical machine. She was talking about her 65 hour work week and how stressful her life is right now. As I was wrapping up my workout I wished her a nice day and said that I hoped that she would be able to have a "normal" eight hour day at work. She smiled and said that she was just about finished with her annual employee reviews. She only had two reviews left and thought that she would be about to "cut out early." Two thoughts struck me from this conversation.

Isn't it interesting that we consider ourselves "cutting out early" if we just put in the required number of hours for our job? I find myself regularly putting in 10+ hours each day right now and sometimes do work on the weekends. What is the cost? What are the benefits? The answer is different for everyone. My point in today's blog is to ask you those two questions. What cost are you paying for working overtime? What are the benefits that you are receiving for putting in the extra hours? How are the other two rings (self and relationships) being impacted? If the costs outweigh the benefits, maybe you need to make some adjustments. If you are reaping big benefits from the extra work, make sure you are regularly asking yourself (and others) the benefit/cost questions. The answers can change very quickly and when they do, don't wait very long to make the adjustment.

The second thought I had was about annual employee reviews. Employee reviews, when done correctly, can be a very effective tool. It is a time to review progress, look at strengths, consider weaknesses, show appreciation, and make goals for the next year. What about doing an Annual Personal Review of yourself, by yourself? Cut out a block of time specifically for your personal review. Evaluate your progress. Look at your strengths-list them. Consider your weaknesses and how you can improve-make a specific plan. Show yourself some appreciation-indulge yourself in some kind of celebration. Then make some goals for next year. Just like employee reviews, you should do this at a minimum of once a year-formally! Even better are quarterly reviews with less formal monthly evaluations. Don’t make me call Human Resources!!

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