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Wisdom From A Child

It has been an interesting 2 months around our home. Our family dog had puppies in early February and due to an unfortunate illness, she died when the puppies were just days old. Consequently, our family has been bottle feeding and raising them without a mother. They are healthy, fun and bring so much joy to my children.

My older daughter made an insightful comment just last week. She said, "It's kind of frustrating with the puppies. When they are young but can't do much, you have to spend so much time on them. Then, when they are older and are so much fun, you are so far behind on everything else that you can't spend all the time with them you want to." WOW! What a profound statement about the need for us all to be the ringmasters of our circus.

If we don't take care of our high priority items now, we severely limit our ability to get the most important things done later because we are always playing "catch up." What are you putting off today that may limit your choices of how to use your time and energy tomorrow?

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