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Slow Down

Sometimes to be more effective and productive you have to slow down. "Experts" recommend strategies like multitasking and systems that will allow you to do more stuff in a day. Yes, there are ideas that when implemented will make you more effective and efficient (we train on them all the time) but the notion of slowing down might be one that will help you the most.

Consider some of the benefits of slowing down:

  • Your thoughts and ideas are more deliberate and you are less scattered

  • You make fewer mistakes

  • You are present in the moment rather than doing one thing and thinking about 5 other things that you need to do next (multi-tasking is bad)

  • With your slower pace you are more strategic with what you are working on because you have to say "no" to the trivial and less important

  • By slowing down you will be less apt to burnout and ruining your health

Sure you might not get as much done in the day. But by slowing down, the quality of what you do accomplish will increase, you will feel better physically and mentally and you might even find some time to stop and smell the roses.

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    咔嚓一声骨折声音起 富易堂娱乐城 ,那穆三少就已 假日国际娱乐城 经咽了气,本认为这样就停止了,但冷卓错了,这铁匠竟然没有松手,富易堂娱乐城,手臂反而又使了多少分力量,假日国际娱乐城,穆三少的脑袋就那么轱辘的一声滚落在地,鲜血喷 澳门赌场荷官招聘信息 溅出大片的血雾。 “靠,拔不出来!”一个巨枪兵登时傻眼了:“老五,过来搭把手!” 咻咻,两道折叠脚踏张弩射出的弩箭犹若飞蝗射出,正要涌入院子内的士兵纷纭中箭,脚踏张弩,比起手弩,澳门赌场荷官招聘信息,臂弩的劲道都要强劲很多,有些相似古代宋时的神臂弩,用应用时,躺在地面上,用
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      风雷真人仿佛早就料到了此事,仍旧是面色弛缓,云博金牌娱乐城,笑道:“这事我自会负全责,沃尔沃Volvo汽车中国官方网站,你就不必关怀了。”   小 云博金牌娱乐城 啼眉头微皱,旋即满脸堆起笑颜,道:“那么师父,你老有什 沃尔沃Volvo汽车中国官方网站 么措施?”   他见到小啼后,不禁是一愣,赞叹道:“呀呀呀,不得了了,不想到这个世界上还有长得比我熙帥更帅气的人。”说完,他多少步疾速走过来,与小啼并肩而站,双手比划着,想要比比两人之间的身高。   “嗯。”宝姿的眼光又落在小啼腹部的伤口上,双色球十大专家预测,ag娱乐城,那里光溜溜的一 双色球十大专家预测 片
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    近日,美国有一位名叫Hunter Cayll(朋友昵称Nubbs)的青年在社交网络上火了。他双手残障,却通过不断的努力成为了一名优秀的射手,他不但能准确地击中目标,还能轻松完成上膛、换弹夹等动作,速度甚至比射击初学者还快。不少网友看后称赞到,这是美国版的"励志哥"。
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