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A Fault Finding Circus

It is so easy to find fault. Especially when things are not going the way you want them to go in life. Take it down to the level of the "3 rings" and it is easy to find fault with your work, with your relationships and with your self.

Try flipping your attitude around. Rather than thinking about what is wrong with your job, your relationships and your self, spend time each day focusing on what is right and how lucky you are in each area. Let us reemphasize that you should think of and focus on the positive EACH DAY! Also, when you come across a negative point or think a negative thought, force yourself to think of two positives.

Lou Holtz said, "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." In the end, focusing on the positive will not only make a difference in your attitude but will also improve your performance in your 3 Ring Circus.

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    A Fault Finding Circus - Juggling Elephants Blog - jugglingelephants

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