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Cut Out The Dreaming-Part 2

Last week I learned that Facebook recently hit another record of participants-500 million! They interviewed several people and asked them why they liked FB and the answers given were the typical ones-stay connected with friends, reconnect with old friends, etc. But one answer shook me. Someone responded, "If there were no FB, I would die." Granted, it was an emotionally charged statement that was probably not meant with the impact it had, but it still indicated (to me anyway) a less than healthy attitude toward this type of social media.

In the last post I mentioned my struggle with a writer's advice that you should cut out things you are not good at or which you can not excel. On the flip side, should you be so connected to something like FB that it consumes you and becomes a major source of your happiness and in an extreme case, your very existence.

Granted, I don't know the person making the comment. But I think she highlights the need for all of us to examine how we spend our time and what is a priority for us. FB is definitely an example of an act that can literally take over your circus... if you let it.

Reader Comments (1)

The way we spend our time today is quite interesting. Never before in history we have had access to magazines, books and articles. But if we evaluate how we transform information into knowledge, we'll probably have one of the worst exploitations of our lives. Likewise the Face Book, Orkut, My Space, The World of Warcraft and other Internet pastimes. Bring us information and entertaining but what is knowledge generated by them is almost nil. They are spectacles that spend time spectator, the entertain, but will not be saved in their Memory. People will know who went to the circus but do not remember very well what they saw or really assess whether the money spent on admission was a good investment.


Gilberto Hessel

July 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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