The Value of An Escort Service

Got your attention with that one, huh? While talking with a client the other day they commented about their long hours at work and how they weren't taking care of their "self ring." But then they said things had recently changed and they were enjoying being at home more and actually eating lunch. What made the difference to her? Being an escort. Let me explain.
She works in a secure building requiring smart cards and a security clearance. She recently added two interns to her staff and they don't yet have their security clearance. So... she has to walk with them to the cafeteria for lunch and then walk them out at the end of their day. This forces her to at least GO to lunch and then end her day at a more reasonable hour. She said she forgot the benefits of lunch and getting home earlier until the interns came along.
That got me to thinking. What could be the triggers we put in place to help remind us of the importance of taking an "intermission" or not overexerting ourself in relation to work hours? For me it could be recording my six year old's voice saying, "Daddy, when are you coming home?" on my phone and then making that the alarm tone when I set it. It could be moving a picture of my family to a more prominent place on my desk before taking on that "one last task" at work to remind me to not work late-especially when I promised my family I wouldn't. Maybe engage the help of a co worker, who could come by your desk as they leave and tell you something fun they plan to do that evening.
What are some things you can think of that would help bring things back into focus for you so that you don't find yourself in the Juggling Elephants routine again?

Reader Comments (1)
The best way to not get stuck fighting fires is to prevent them occurring. Without fires occurring during the day, there is less sense of urgency to what needs to be done, and fewer reasons to stay longer in service.
The only way to prevent fires is to leave the comfort zone and work to avoid them. For this it is necessary to understand: i \ what we are doing, ii \ because we are doing and iii \ what ever goes wrong and we have to fix later.
Understanding what we do we seek to correct errors Chronic our system. Deming says there's like wanting a different outcome than what ever happens on a system. If we do not want to freeze water in a jar in the refrigerator should put it into a thermos or not they are due to put the water jug in the refrigerator. If not change the system and insist on doing the same things with more dedication will be making a futile effort.
A fire always starts from a small source that is easier to extinguish than the outcome. If there are fewer fires have more time to devote to the things that really are important. How to fight more fires, develop new products, plan trips, advance projects, or just use the time for personal improvement.
So in a circus is not shutting the cage of tigers will be necessary for someone who always prevent the Tigers from escaping. And in a worst case if they escape, there will be people being devoured. And the circus closes.
So be smart lock the cage and go home to see loved ones.
Gilberto Hessel