Have I Done Any Good?

"Do a good turn daily," is the slogan for the Boys Scouts of America. But it is also a great motto for non scouters. Sometimes we get so caught up in making "ends meet" that we become internally focused and forget to look outward. Doing good and helping others can require work and a shift in your mindset. There are opportunities to help all around us but taking the next step to act on those opportunities is sometimes the difficult part.
Some time ago, I was driving in heavy rush hour traffic. I came upon an accident that had recently occurred. I only saw one car and a young woman who was standing outside the car. It was obvious that she was very upset and I thought to myself, "I sure hope someone stops to help her." Immediately a second thought popped into my mind, "Why not me?" The thought was so powerful that I found myself pulling over to the side of the road and assisting the young woman who was a victim of a hit and run. After the highway patrol arrived, I climbed back into my car and proceeded home. I know the young woman appreciated me stopping to help. I felt good inside for stopping. I also had the thought that if that was one of my daughters, I would sure hope that someone would stop, help and comfort them.
What can you do today that with make a difference for good? What can you put in place each day as a reminder to "do your good deed"? It doesn't have to be a big thing. It could be as simple as a kind word or a smile. Create a sign to remind you. Look for the opportunity. Do it. Make it a daily habit. "Why not me?"

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