Quick Ways To Improve Your Performance

Too often we think that improving our performance at work requires time-consuming certification programs, advanced degrees and months of hard work. While they are important elements in a plan, don't over look those small opportunities to improve. Here's a few quick ways to build a better circus performance:
- Connect with a potential mentor. A simple phone call or e mail could reap big dividends over time.
- Ask for a new responsibility. Okay, we know you are already overworked, but what's the value of tackling a short-term task that improves your skills and enhances your resume?
- Visit your professional association's website. They have current articles related to your profession and downloadable pdfs with good information about industry trends, etc.
- Volunteer. Start with a short-term event for a local charity or non-profit. You will rub shoulders with people who will appreciate your commitment to service-and could be of help in building your network and support team.
- Focus on building individual relationships. Everyone is so busy and when you single someone out for support and encouragement, it shows your genuine concern for their well-being, and is a breath of fresh air in an impersonal work environment.
- Update your resume. It's a good chance to see how you have grown (or not) while in your present position.
While many of these tips won't replace the more involved forms of job performance improvement, they are effective "acts" to begin getting more standing ovations at work.
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