Use Your Brain

Would you rather your brain "rust out" or "wear out"? The truth is that you are more apt to rust out your brain from lack of use than you are to wear it out from too much use (if there is such a thing).
Consider some ideas:
- Read! Read! Read!
- Work on challenging puzzles
- Sign up for a course and/or attend a conference that is related to your profession
- Sign up for a course and/or attend a conference that is not related to your profession
- Watch a documentary
- Meditate. Think deep thoughts in a quiet atmosphere
- Pick a topic and write a paper or book on it. Research and learn everything that you can on the topic. Become an expert
- Play brain games that sharpen your mind and make you think. (AARP has a wide selection of free games and quizzes for the brain see: or do a web search on "Brain Games")
Unlike your knee, hip, shoulder, or elbow that could eventually wear out and need replacement the brain grows stronger and more proficient when it is active. What are you going to do to grow your brain? Make a plan and schedule each day to increase your knowledge and thinking ability.

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