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Work Life Balance Is Still A Priority

With a slow economy and job opportunities limited for many people, we sometimes hear that work/life balance is not a priority for many employees. As an employer, don't get too comfortable with that perspective.

In the 2012 Keep Good Going Report from New York Life shows polling of American workers about their attitudes toward work and families. Findings include:

  • 71 percent would be happier with more pay, but only a small percentage would be willing to trade between their financial situation and their families
  • For a 50 percent pay raise, only 11 percent of those polled would exchange reduced time with their children (Ironically, 54 percent WOULD exchange working at night)

Time with families is still among the highest priorities of most workers. How does your workplace recognize and support that priority? If you want to retain and grow your best talent, it might we worth looking at-instead of getting too comfortable with the perspective of "They aren't going anywhere."

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