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But Do Your Performers Trust You?

Anytime I watch a circus I am amazed by the level of trust that must exist between the performers in a trapeze act. To let go of a rope or bar in mid-air and have confidence that the other person will be there to catch you is fascinating to say the least. Even an animal trainer has to develop a high degree of trust with their animals...or they may be their next meal.

While controlling animals or flying through the air may not be a part of our day, having a high degree of trust with other people is critical to our success in working together as a work team or family. To see how trustworthy you are, reflect on your answers to these questions:

  • Do you consistently meet deadlines-or miss them?
  • If you will have to miss a deadline, do you have valid reasons, or weak excuses?
  • When decisions are made as a team, do you more frequently think about the "greater good" or mainly focus on a solution that will only benefit you?
  • Do you tell people what they want to hear, or share with them (in an appropriate manner) what they need to hear?
  • Do people come to you seeking your input because they know you will be honest?
  • Do your daily activities consistently align with what you say are your priorities?

Remember, trust can take years to build, but only seconds to break. And when the stakes are high (and they always are), you don't want to be the one dropped...or eaten.

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