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Entries in ASTD (4)


Giving People A Visual At ASTD

Exhibiting at the ASTD Conference in Orlando is always a fantastic opportunity to engage with our current client base and get new opportunities to share the message of Juggling Elephants. One of the most telling moments is how people identify with the phrase "juggling elephants" in so many different ways. Here are some of their initial comments when they walk up to our booth:

  • "Hey! That's my job description."
  • "That describes my life situation perfectly."
  • "My people feel like that."
  • "...And last week one of the elephants fell on me."
  • "Isn't that the new norm in the workplace?"

Pictures or visuals shared in an analogy give us the opportunity to emotionally connect to an issue or challenge in a fresh and less threatening way and then to look at possible solutions. We are thankful for the chance to help others look at their struggle of "too much to do" in a new light, and to begin making changes that will help them get more "standing ovations" in their circus.


Free ASTD Expo Pass

Juggling Elephants LLC (with Jones and Todd) will be attending the ASTD 2010 International Conference and Exposition that takes place May 16-19, 2010 at McCormick Place in Chicago, Illinois.

Because we will be having a booth at the show, we can offer you a Free Expo Only Pass or VIP Discount of $150 off the Full Conference Price. To visit the EXPO for FREE, please go to and enter Invitation Number: 2499. Or if you want to attend the Full Conference, visit and use the Promotion Code: VIP2010 to receive $150 off the regular full conference registration rate. (Full conference offer expires April 30, 2010).

If you are going to be at the conference and expo, please make sure to stop by and see us at booth #514. We would love to see you!


We Were Wrong!!!

While exhibiting at ASTD (American Society of Training and Development) a gentleman stopped by our Juggling Elephants booth and inquired about our training. As I explained that the concept of "trying to get it all done is like juggling elephants-impossible" he immediately disagreed. "You can juggle elephants," he said. "Oh really?" I replied. "Sure you can," he affirmed, "If given enough time and resources I could come up with a way to juggle elephants. I could create a machine capable of doing it or invent some mechanism that would make it possible. So your premise is wrong."

My response? Simply this-Yes, you are right that if given enough time and resources you might be able to find a way to do it. BUT, what would you lose in the process? What would NOT get done while you were spending all your energy trying to figure it out? And would it be worth losing those things to be successful with this one task. His technical reply was, " I don't know." Aha!

Certainly any of us could put all our energy and resources into accomplishing that mountainous "to do list" at work day after day or achieve those seemingly impossible expectations of ourselves in other areas of our life. However, what would we lose in the process-our health? A healthy relationship with our spouse or children? Our sense of purpose and a sense of peace? Is it worth it? If that's your purpose, I guess it would be. If not... maybe there's a better way.

We think we have one in our book. I gave the gentleman at the show a copy. Let's see what he thinks.


Juggling Elephants at ASTD

We recently returned from being a part of the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) International Expo. It was a great experience for us and we really enjoyed talking with existing and potential clients. It became very clear and reaffirmed to us that organizations and individuals are really struggling with work/life balance and "juggling" too many priorities. People would stop right in the middle of the isle and say, "You know, that is exactly what it feels like! I am juggling elephants."

We also learned that many trainers are looking for a fresh and more engaging methodology to deliver content on time management, work/life balance issues and productivity. Juggling Elephants gives them that tool.

We look forward to working with organizations as they try to "get their acts together" and help their employees "be the ringmasters of their work and life."