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Entries in integrity (1)


A Great Team Act Gone Bad Due To One Performer

Just this week, Marion Jones, a track and field star from the US, admitted to steroid use during the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. She has apologized, returned her 5 gold medals won in the games, and received other punishment for her actions. But that's not the worst part.

Now the IOC (International Olympic Committee) is asking the US athletes who ran with her in a relay event at the Olympics to return their gold medals as well. Passion Richardson, one of the relay runners, said in an interview on CBS This Morning, "I have to suffer because of the actions of one. Not only could I lose my medal, but now my character is in question."

Hopefully none of us have such a traumatic situation in our workplace or family. However, this incident does remind us how important it is to have the full engagement (and integrity) of each team member if an act is going to be successful-and stand the test of time.