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Entries in juggling elephants (30)


Looking for Big Blocks of Time

One time management challenge is the search for a "big block of time" where we can focus on a large or complex task. For instance, I have a lot of trees in my yard and so I look for a big block of time in the Spring and/or Fall to prune all of our trees. The reality is that finding a big block of time is hard to do. As a result, the trees get taller and the pruning goes undone.

The same can be true for work projects. We want a big block of time to focus on and complete the XYZ project. Unfortunately, our day is full of tasks and other events and so finding a big block of time is difficult. And so, we put the project off thinking that maybe we will have time at the end of the week. As a result, the project goes undone until it is an emergency and we have to neglect a days worth of activities or work a marathon day-late into the evening.

Isn’t it easier to break up a task and/or project into smaller chunks over a period of time? Prune a tree a day. Work on a project for 30 minutes a day (schedule it on your calendar – "Work on XYZ Project, 3:30-4:00"). In most cases, finding a big block of time to get something done is hard to do. Try dividing it into parts and spreading it over a week, 2 weeks, a month, a year, etc.


I get the

I talked with a business associate last week who was so excited about Juggling Elephants. It was ironic because when he first received a copy of the book he was lukewarm to the strategies after reading it. So I asked him, "Why are you connecting so much more with the message now than when you first read the book?" His response was, "When I first read Juggling Elephants I was in a comfortable job and my wife did not work outside the home. My life was running smoothly. Now I am in a new job requiring a steep learning curve, my wife is working part-time and all of our children are in school. I am definitely juggling elephants in more than one area of my life."

His comments reflect similar experiences for me. There have been times I read a book, listened to a speaker or got a piece of advice that just didn't seem to fit the "season" of my work or life. Later, I found that information/advice to be of tremendous value when my circumstances had changed in some way.

What book might be of value for you to read again to gain new insights for your work or life?


NSDC Conference Exhibit

This week we exhibited at the NSDC (National Staff Development Council) Conference in St. Louis, MO. Participants were individuals from schools and school districts who plan professional development for their teachers, administrators and support staff. With options ranging from book club discussions to our train the trainer program to live trainers and speakers, we have an option to fit even the smallest school budget.

Time and time again as people would approach the booth they would immediately say, Juggling Elephants?!....... "That's what it feels like for our staff!"

Like corporate environments, the education climate continues to place increasing demands on it's people. Some of the "elephants" educators are dealing with include:

  • Increasing student test scores with decreasing resources to accomplish it.
  • Distracted students who can't stay focused on subject matter.
  • Parents who are already juggling elephants and often offer little or no assistance to their children at home.
  • Finding time for themselves when they are giving so much of their time and energy to be an effective educator or administrator.

If you have not done so recently, thank a teacher, principal or someone who works to support the activities of a school. They definitely don't get enough standing ovations from those of us in the audience.


Another Award for Juggling Elephants

The audio book of Juggling Elephants has just been recognized as an Earphones Award Winner by AudioFile Magazine. Here's the review that appeared in their May issue:

The message in this audio's clever title is that we can get more done when we don't try to do the impossible. The refreshing ideas and suggestions will be great medicine for listeners who feel beleaguered by too much work, not enough time, and not enough appreciation from their families. With charming writing, the authors stress the need to balance the energy we invest in the three rings of life--work, relationships, and personal renewal. Narrator Oliver Wyman shows why his work is so admired--he reads both dialogue and exposition with such skill that listeners will want to lean in closer to relish the sounds, as well as to absorb the full measure of the authors' timeless guidance.

To learn more about the audio book, go to


International Juggling Elephants

A surprise in the mail last week! We received four unique copies of Juggling Elephants. Our publisher sent us the Korean, Japanese, Spanish and UK version of Juggling Elephants. Interestingly enough, the title, "Juggling Elephants" didn't translate well into Korean so the title is First. We are looking forward to seeing versions in Chinese-simple, Chinese-complex, Dutch, Portuguese, and Indonesian.

It is clear that individuals and organizations world-wide are struggling with "getting it all done." You can go to
and see the covers of these editions. Stay tuned for other foreign editions as they become available.