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Entries in juggling elephants (30)


A Great General Manager

A couple days ago we had someone contact our office to discuss Juggling Elephants. Here's their background: They have 4 children under 6 and run two day care centers. If ever their were a perfect match for the concepts in the book, it was them. They were a big fan of the book and talked about how it had helped them focus on their business more clearly. Strangely enough, however, one of the things they focused on the most was how the parents of the children in their day care needed to hear the message and how to get it to them.

Fantastic! This person was so sensitive to the needs of those around them. The hallmark of an effective "General Manager" that we talk about in the book.

Who do you know that needs to hear the message of Juggling Elephants today?


Another Review of Juggling Elephants

Check out another review of Juggling Elephants on


Found The Book By Accident

We received this feedback about the book yesterday:

Our students are all non-traditional students who are juggling work, school, family and personal lives. Somehow they have added a fourth ring to their already busy circuses. We were planning a celebration for them for Non-Traditional Student week in early November and came up with the juggling act and circus theme. I searched for a book or prize we could use and found your book Juggling Elephants. I ordered several copies immediately and just finished reading it.

Your book will be perfect for our busy students. I love the lighthearted analogy to a really serious issue. I think we have all struggled with finding the balance and many of us have tried most to the time management methods. They work but they are not always fun. Your approach with the ringmaster who must learn to choose only quality acts, create the line up, and move quickly from ring to ring offers us a fun way to remember to pay attention to what is important.

Keep those comments coming!


Leaders Needed For The Circus-NOW! has posted a superb write-up of Juggling Elephants on their Leading Blog. Read it at:


The Book Is Here!

Finally! Juggling Elephants is in the stores and available online. What a journey it has been.

Three and a half years ago we were discussing our frustration with having too many priorities, too much stress, and too little time. Little did we know that such a powerful yet simple solution to these challenges could be found when one of us said, "My life feels like a three-ring circus!"

The concepts have changed our lives and our hope is that the message of the book will be of benefit to all individuals and organizations that struggle with "getting it all done."

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