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Entries in personal growth (20)


Go Get It!

Leonardo Da Vinci was a genius on so many levels. Each time I read, hear or see something about his brilliance I am reminded of the capabilities of the human mind. And then I start rationalizing that only people like him could ever come up with new ideas or dream up solutions to complex problems.

But if I am honest with myself, part of the secret to his genius was simply his will to seek solutions instead of being content with the status quo. I came across a quote that I had not seen before by Da Vinci which reads: It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.

As the new year is upon us, where do you need to be more proactive than reactive? What are you facing that might require some Da Vinci-like searching? Here's are some general questions to get you started:
  • What would happen if I ___________________ instead of always ________________?
  • If I don't want ______________________, then I should be working on _______________.
  • A discovery I need to make this (week, month, year) that would be of tremendous benefit to me would be ___________________________. And I could start looking for it (at, in) __________________________________.

We may not create a design for a flying machine or a specialized boat, but we may come up with some solutions that will improve our work flow or success in our personal endeavors. Something that might reduce the stress of having too much to do. And that's something worth exploring at any period in history.


Life Leadership or Life Lemming

Do you take charge of your life or do you just follow the crowd? Do you have a life plan or do you take life as it comes? Do you set goals or do you fly by the seat of your pants?

There probably isn't a right or wrong answer to any of the above questions ... until you complain. There is nothing worse than working with people who are unhappy with where they are at in the their life and career but are unwilling to do what it takes to change. They would prefer to just follow the same course of least resistance and grumble.

You live in a time of opportunity. Do you do those things that matter most to you or get caught up in the thick of thin things? You can choose to lead your life in the direction you choose or follow the current of the average. Choose to lead. Set goals. Chase your dreams. Be the ringmaster! It will make the difference.


Patient with...You!

We often think about being patient with others, but how patient are you with.... you? We may look in the mirror, confront our faults and then simply walk away feeling helpless to change. The next time you find yourself being impatient with where you are physically, mentally, emotionally or even financially, try a few of these strategies to improve your point of view about you:

  • If you want to improve some area of your life, remember that it takes time. Research shows that if you want a new attitude or behavior to "stick" you have to practice it for at least 21 days.
  • Reflect on other challenges you have overcome and reflect on what you learned about yourself in those situations. Apply that learning to this new situation.
  • Focus on your strengths. What is it that you do well? How often do you have the opportunity to engage in those strengths? If it is not frequently, what changes could you make?
  • If you are trying to stop a negative habit, replace it with a positive one instead of just trying to stop the negative one. If you don't replace the void with something, something else will.
  • Spend some time with people who have your best interests at heart. They can sometimes give you a more objective view of yourself.

It might seem like a daily battle, but the fight will be worth it. In the end, you will be a better you!


Skills Needed For The Next Circus

If you have been associated with us for very long, you know that one of the key points we focus on is continuous improvement. One of the reasons we have so many elephants to juggle now is that we did not adequately prepare physically, emotionally, mentally or financially for them before they became so heavy in our life.

That's why the NY Times article, Factories ready to hire, but employers find skills shortage, caught our attention. The writer highlights that manufacturers are beginning to look for new workers, but that that these workers need a higher level of skill than the typical assembly line worker of the past. Some of the key skills needed as highlighted in the article included:

  • Operate sophisticated computerized machinery
  • Follow complex blueprints
  • Demonstrate higher math proficiency than workers in the past

The writer gives the example of a manufacturing facility that interviewed over 3,600 applicants and only found 47 capable of taking the $13-$15 per hour jobs they had available.

Regardless of whether you are employed or unemployed, the article asks all of us to ponder if we have (or need to develop) the skill sets to be successful in tomorrow's workforce. As we say in Juggling Elephants, your circus is only as good as your NEXT performance.


Who's On Your List?

I always enjoy reading Time Magazine's List of the 100 most influential people in the world. There are the expected political or pop culture leaders, but then there are those whom I had no idea of their work or activity. Many times I learn that they are changing their part of the world without any real fanfare from the media or large numbers of people.

Upon reviewing the list, I started asking myself, "Who would be on my list of the people who have had a big influence on my life, my business practices or the way I conduct myself professionally or personally?" And once I mentally made the list, I started writing down their names. Unfortunately, several have passed from this life.

As you reflect on the people who have made your circus successful, why not send them a note or just give them a call. I'm sure they would appreciate the standing ovation-and would be thrilled to know they made your list.