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Entries in fear (3)


Go Get It!

Leonardo Da Vinci was a genius on so many levels. Each time I read, hear or see something about his brilliance I am reminded of the capabilities of the human mind. And then I start rationalizing that only people like him could ever come up with new ideas or dream up solutions to complex problems.

But if I am honest with myself, part of the secret to his genius was simply his will to seek solutions instead of being content with the status quo. I came across a quote that I had not seen before by Da Vinci which reads: It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.

As the new year is upon us, where do you need to be more proactive than reactive? What are you facing that might require some Da Vinci-like searching? Here's are some general questions to get you started:
  • What would happen if I ___________________ instead of always ________________?
  • If I don't want ______________________, then I should be working on _______________.
  • A discovery I need to make this (week, month, year) that would be of tremendous benefit to me would be ___________________________. And I could start looking for it (at, in) __________________________________.

We may not create a design for a flying machine or a specialized boat, but we may come up with some solutions that will improve our work flow or success in our personal endeavors. Something that might reduce the stress of having too much to do. And that's something worth exploring at any period in history.


Lasting Failure or Temporary Defeat?

Are your mistakes a lasting failure or a temporary defeat? When you attempt something and fall short, do you look at the situation as a chance to improve or an excuse to "throw the towel in" and get worse?

Looking positively at a temporary defeat will help you to improve, develop solutions and ultimately become stronger. You will experience setbacks in life. Successful people are those that recognize the failure, rise up from the defeat, reevaluate their performance and then do what it takes to change and win.

When you look at tough times as an opportunity to learn and grow then you will look back and see failures that lead to success instead of failures that lead to ... well ... failure.


Have No F.E.A.R.

William Shakespeare wrote, "Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." What are you afraid to attempt? The old acronym for F.E.A.R. ... False Expectations Appearing Real can sometimes come into play as we doubt our abilities, resources or sanity. Now, sometimes fear is a good thing - for me, a fear of skydiving seems healthy. But, when fear and doubts get in the way of our goals and dreams we should take a second to realize what is at stake.

For me, William Shakespeare's little quote is just the trick. I started by carrying the quote around in my wallet. Whenever I doubted myself or was afraid of attempting something, I would pull the quote out and read it over to myself. Pretty soon I had the quote memorized. Now when I have those moments or when a particular project gets tough, I repeat the quote to myself. This simple affirmation encourages me to focus on the outcome... the "good I oft might win." That simple pause and visualization of the "end in mind" can make all the difference and provide the courage to take the next step.