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Entries in circus (3)


The Power of the Circus

Last week was the birthday of John Steinbeck. He was an amazing writer, authoring books like The Grapes of Wrath, East of Eden and Of Mice and Men. We are also fond of him because he had a unique perspective on the value of the circus to all of us. In the book, America and Americans he wrote:

The circus is a change of pace-beauty against our daily ugliness, excitement against our boredom. The lion tamer and the acrobat are brave and clever against our cowardice and clumsiness and the clowns make our selfish tragedy seem funny. Every man, woman and child comes from the circus refreshed and renewed and ready to survive.

Thanks, John, for your inspiration to us!


It's The Total Performance-Not One Act

I came across this quote during my planning time the other day:

Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each, is to succeed.
-Corita Kent
At the end of the circus performance, most people enthusiastically clap and cheer, and may even give it a standing ovation. But have you ever thought about what they are cheering for? It's really not the closing act or an act they saw during the first half. It's the total performance-the combination of everything they have experienced during the event. Some acts were perfect, some were mediocre and some may have even gone wrong.
While one act in our lineup may not go well one day, it's vital to realize that you get another opportunity the next moment to be successful-to try again. And if we make the most of each moment, win or lose we will most likely give ourselves a standing ovation when the day is over.


Training Tips From Clowns

Susan Landay is the President of Trainer's Warehouse and visited with us at the ASTD Exposition a few weeks ago. Part of Susan's background is that she was a real clown with Ringling Brothers! She has written a superb and practical article for all of us involved with training entitled, Training Circus. She goes indepth on the following key thoughts:

  • KISS-Keep It Simple Stupid
  • Make it BIG
  • Get in, get the laugh, get out
  • Relax and let it happen
  • Laugh at yourself

Thanks, Susan!