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Entries in Quotes (4)


The Power of the Circus

Last week was the birthday of John Steinbeck. He was an amazing writer, authoring books like The Grapes of Wrath, East of Eden and Of Mice and Men. We are also fond of him because he had a unique perspective on the value of the circus to all of us. In the book, America and Americans he wrote:

The circus is a change of pace-beauty against our daily ugliness, excitement against our boredom. The lion tamer and the acrobat are brave and clever against our cowardice and clumsiness and the clowns make our selfish tragedy seem funny. Every man, woman and child comes from the circus refreshed and renewed and ready to survive.

Thanks, John, for your inspiration to us!


Quote for A Monday

We don't see things as they are... we see them as we are.
-Anais Nin

What's your perspective today? Is it to get (and give) standing ovations today? Or is it to simply stay busy today and hope things work out for the best?


Quote about Confidence

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

While I do meet many ringmasters who have a solid sense of passion and purpose, I also meet a significant number of people who are less than excited about the direction of their circus. It's frustrating because they have so much to offer their company, their family and others around them.

Sadly, the root cause is often a lack of confidence. They haven't had enough individuals in their circus clapping and cheering them on in their performance. They haven't been reminded of how important they are to an organization, family or community. They have allowed the perceptions and callousness of others to diminish their determination, purpose and success.

If you are one of those people, remember the words of Eleanor Roosevelt. If you know some individuals suffering with an inferiority complex, make this the day you encourage them and remind them how important they and their talents and skills are to you, your organization and in the circus of others.


Message for 2009

Some people are still unaware that reality contains unparalleled beauties.
The fantastic and unexpected, the ever-changing and renewing is nowhere so exemplified as in real life itself.
-Berenice Abbott

As your hope is renewed at the beginning of this year, may each day find you seeking-and finding- the fantastic and unexpected.